Pupil Welfare and Child Protection
Only confident and happy children learn. Looking after your children and making them feel secure and confident is our first priority. We need to know if you have concerns relating to these areas of our work.
The school has the services of an Education Welfare Officer, Miss Leanne Hayward, who deals with issues relating to attendance and welfare. Parents can call upon the service of the EWO either through the school or by ringing 01743 254397.
In accordance with statutory requirements the school has a named person (Miss Froggatt, or in her absence Mr Davies or Miss O'Leary) with responsibility for child protection. Our policy for child protection is available in school
We understand the great importance of preventing bullying. We are committed to the Shropshire Anti-Bullying charter.
Our school is a Safer School.
West Mercia Police and Shropshire Council support our school with the Safer School initiative. We are an accredited Safer School and proud of our Safer School sign and certificate. The accreditation is reviewed every two years.
The initiative is a holistic, practical and realistic approach to school security and personal safety. It gives our school a clear focus on the subject and turns a negative subject into a positive one. It sets a minimum standard for school security.
The essential elements of the Safer School process include: -
· Implementing a security policy that the governors have adopted.
· Consulting parents/carers and pupils for their views and updating them on any progress.
· Publicity of Safer Schools to school staff, pupils, school neighbours, parents/carers, and prospective parents/carers.
· Establishing a Safer School group. This Safer School group is a partnership of school stakeholders – Headteacher/Deputy, staff, governors, parents, pupils, neighbours, Shropshire Council and West Mercia Police.
· Regularly reviewing and implementing good practice and essential security/safety measures.
· A proportional pro-active approach to the security/safety/safeguarding of staff, pupils, visitors, premises, property and assets.
· Educating pupils through the Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum programme or the Safer School folder.
· A daily procedure for recording incidents should they occur i.e. trespass, burglary, theft, anti-social behaviour, vandalism, arson, suspicious activity etc., both during school hours and out-of hours.
· Solving real problems rather than perceived problems. Prioritising work (if any) and reviewing action.
· If there are security issues i.e., vandalism, anti-social behaviour etc., the intention of the initiative is to reduce/eliminate the issues.