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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Bishop’s Castle Primary School

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Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

What do we strive to develop? What does a Healthy Body, Healthy Mind look like?

  • Have an awareness that research has shown that having a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.
  • Ensuring that children have at least two hours of exercise a week.
  • Having a balanced diet, rich in essential nutrients.
  • Getting seven to nine hours of sleep each night.
  • Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.
  • Have daily routines to promote our own health and hygiene.
  • Having a positive mental well-being attitude and the confidence to share feelings.


How can parents help support this at home? What opportunities can be created outside of school?


  • Provide children with the knowledge that by maintaining a level of physical fitness and a balanced diet, it will hugely benefit both their physical and mental health.
  • Establish good eating habits and talk to your child about making healthy choices.
  • Ensure children are aware of their responsibility to maintain their own health and hygiene.
  • Talk to children about the benefits of being outside and the need for the recommended daily duration of exercise of 2 hours.
  • Provide children with healthy lunch boxes for school and water bottles for use throughout the day.
  • Children to have an awareness of their own needs and levels of rest.
  • Encourage children to take part in extra-curricular clubs related to sports and well-being.
  • Talk to the children about the benefits of activity-based residential visits and encourage them to take part.
  • It is important that children are encouraged and supported to look after their mental health.


When we see children displaying or applying a ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind’, what do we do?

We celebrate with verbal praise and reward with a Healthy Body, Healthy Mind sticker. Friday assembly will have a designated slot for certificates.