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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Bishop’s Castle Primary School

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The PSHE curriculum at Bishop's Castle Primary School provides values-based, progressive content that promotes positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. Research shows that there is a link between a pupil’s wellbeing and positive mental health and academic achievement.  Therefore, in order for our children to learn and be well, they need to have good mental health, resilience and the ability to keep themselves safe. Through our PSHE curriculum, we aim to equip children with these attributes and the skills to implement them in different contexts.



At Bishop’s Castle Primary School, we firmly believe that underpinning each child’s education is their sense of wellbeing and the positive relationships they form with others. It is our intention that everyone in our school works together with pupils and parents or carers to help pupils feel they belong, that their voice is heard, that they, and their efforts, are valued and to ensure that they enjoy learning. We want our pupils to develop healthy bodies, relationships and minds, not just now, but for life. Therefore, we have designed our Relationships curriculum with the intent that all children, regardless of background, will learn to form positive, safe relationships, will have developed personal virtues based on positive values, will be tolerant and understanding of those with different ideas and will know what to do if things do go wrong for them.

We aim to ensure that our Relationships and Health teaching and learning activities are relevant and sensitive to each child’s personal circumstances. Our Relationships and Health education holds numerous opportunities for children to work independently and with others, widen their horizons, develop communication and language skills, plus explore their own creativity.

Recommended Reads 

SCARF (Coram Education)

Our PSHE is delivered through the SCARF resources.

The lessons align fully with Bishop's Castle Primary School's ethos of promoting wellbeing and an understanding of mental health and therefore provides a strong foundation for our curriculum.


The curriculum is broken down into six strands:

1. Me and my relationships

2. Valuing difference

3. Keeping myself safe

4. Rights and responsibilities

5. Being my best

6. Growing and changing


Children explore these strands year-on-year, building a toolkit of strategies and knowledge which they apply in scenario-based lessons, giving them the opportunity to ask questions and practise the skills in a safe and caring environment.


Our RSE curriculum aims to equip children and young people with the information, skills and values which they will need to lead safe, fulfilling, enjoyable relationships and help them go on, beyond primary school, to take responsibility for their sexual health and well-being.


In line with the DFE 2019 guidance, the focus of our RSE will be on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive, healthy, respectful relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and with adults in all contexts, including online. 

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)

The Governors’ policy for sex education, interprets the teaching of sex education in a broad sense, regarding it as one aspect of growing up responsibly; a process of socialisation which includes the development of good relationships, self-esteem, morality and respect. In most circumstances sex education is set in a much wider health education context. In upper Key Stage 2 sex education has a more specific, although gentle, focus and, prior to our teaching it, parents are invited to view the materials used and to discuss the content.


Parents have a right to withdraw children from sex education, but the Head Teacher would appreciate it, should parents wish to do this, that they discuss the matter beforehand.